Title: Transitioning McKinney-Vento Students Into Higher Education

Time: February 15 2023 at 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM (EST)


  • Jessica Biel, McKinney-Vento Coordinator at Pender County Schools- NC
  • Lisa Jackson, Senior Program Director of Academic Support and Engagement at Florida State University

Description: This free NAEHCY webinar will present local school and higher education perspectives on the transition to higher education. The first part of the presentation will highlight real life experiences of a local school as they help transition a McKinney-Vento student from high school to college. The second part will introduce attendees to the higher education Single Point of Contact (SPOC) system as it is used at a university and how this system will be promoted nationally.

Transitioning McKinney-Vento Students Into Higher Education

  • February 15, 2023
  • Online Webinar